A Project With Some Woofs!
November 18, 2022
The Junior National Honor Society is making a difference by helping out at the animal shelter. Sponsoring the students as part of the organization are Brinn Ball and Cindy Furr who accompanied the JNHS at the shelter last week. Being a part of JNHS is about helping out everywhere to make a difference no matter the size of the effort.
“I’m really excited to help out in any way that I can. We just thought it would be a worthwhile and rewarding service project that would fulfill our commitment to service,” B. Ball said. “Hopefully by seeing JNHS perform acts of service, others will be inspired to respond in the same way.”
Helping at the shelter was proposed as an idea as a way to help clean the cages of the animals, but most of all, making the animals feel loved.
“It makes me feel great that I got to make an impact for those animals and help the employees out. I felt sad when I got there. There were just so many dogs, and you could see it in their eyes. They just wanted someone to love them,” eighth grader Ennah Mosqueda said.
Junior National Honor Society represents Leadership, Service, Character, and Scholarship. Being a part of this organization sets an example for others to follow that.
“It felt good doing something helpful for a service that needs help. It was really sad seeing them not have a home, but they are excited to find one,” eighth grader Ethan Mosqueda said. “It sets an example of not only what I’m doing in National Honor Society, but those who are in there, too.”
Hard work is rewarding when loving the outcome and service one has provided. Even helping out with the smallest of tasks can make a real difference.
“I felt really glad I could help them even if it may not seem like a big difference. To them, we made their day, even if it was only for a day. We got to play with them outside, and we were just having fun,” eighth grader Riley Ball said.
Each member of the organization went to the animal shelter to help with cleaning the cages of the animal to playing outside with them.
“I would like them to learn that service to others doesn’t always mean staying clean. Sometimes you have to get dirty to help others. The creatures of this planet that are in need of our care,” B. Ball said. “Simply do something kind for someone or something(animal) that could never repay you without expecting them to return the favor.”