JH OAP Presenting This way to Heaven at Shallowater

Top row Ariel Tovar, Tori Trevizo, Riley Ball, Angel Lule, Jacob Alvarez. Bottom Row Emmanuel Quirino, Ricardo Cortes

Rosie Hernandez, Writer

The Junior High One at Play is back at Springlake-Earth ISD. They will be presenting a play called  This way to heaven is about a angel who comes down to try and kill the grandma because she makes the best food.  OAP is a group of amazing kids that work together to put on a show that they later perform for the school before contest.

“This is my first time doing junior high OAP; this will be my 5th year teaching. It is definitely different then High School OAP because you have new people who have never done this. The good part is you have the high school student to teach them.” Cassi Furr said 

They will perform for the school October 26 before contest which will happen November 1st at Kress. For everyone that has joined this is a new experience for them. The best part of being in OAP is being surrounded with your friends and having fun. 

“At first I thought I wouldn’t like OAP but I’m starting to like it; It makes me feel good to make people laugh and have a good time it’s made me enjoy acting and being myself.”  8th grader Tori Trevizo said 

Being a part of this organizations is about working together; but you also learn to grow as an individual you get to experience acting, dressing up and  being yourself where nobody can judge you for doing something you love. 

“Being in OAP is great and a good experience. I think we do good as communicating as a team. We definitely need to improve but by the time contest comes we will do good.” Riley Ball said

They put in their efforts and time to prepare their lines, being on time, showing up to practices. Everything that they do will help them for their upcoming contest. Everyone has a great time and are always willing to put in the time to become better. 

“We practice every Monday 8 to 10; At the festival they were able to see what they need to work on by the time the school perform come they will improve. They are doing a great job and working hard to be their best.” C. Furr said 

The festival they attended Tuesday 18th was an experience for them to get used to seeing a crowd and getting a grasp of how they can improve when they go to festival after there performance they get a clinician that tells them what they need to work on and how they can achieve it in order to get 1st for contest. 

“My part in the show is Gram Wilson today I thought we did alright but we need some work. We have to work on memorizing our lines and have more character. I think we are gonna do good at contest and get first.” Tori Trevizo said