Teacher Spotlight: Connie Edwards

Mrs. Connie Edwards

Mrs. Connie Edwards

Taytum Goodman, Writer

“I have always loved school,” Connie Edwards said. 

Mrs. Edwards started college at San and San Angelo, then transferred to South Plains College.  After she got married, she went to West Texas A&M University. She began teaching later in life when she decided it was a good opportunity for her to do what she wanted and be close to her kids. This is her 27th year teaching.

“I started with 4th and 5th grade and taught reading, science, and writing,” Edwards said. 

Mrs. Edwards has taught a variety of grade levels and has loved each of them

“I taught Pre-K 26 years ago until they decided not to do Pre-K anymore.  So, I went to 3rd grade and really liked it, but when Jeanne and I spilt up, I decided it was time for me to do something else.  I went to first grade and did that for 4 years, but when Pre-K opened back up I still had a yearning in my heart to do that,” Mrs. Edwards said. 

There is a reason that Mrs. Edwards loves Pre-K so much. 

“Pre-Ker’s have hearts full of love and an energy that makes learning exciting,” Edwards said. “Each student is unique and special and holds a place in my heart.” 

 She really loves school, but considers her family her greatest value.

“My family is my biggest blessing.  I am married to Steve and we have three sons; Monty, Kyle & Guthry. I have two extra special daughter-in laws; Brandi & Stephanie,” Edwards said. “I have six grands and two grands in law; Mitch & Nathalie; Madi & Logan; Gavin, Porter, Grace, & Judson. I am also blessed with two great grands, Clemmy & Gus and a baby boy on the way.”

Each student is unique and special and holds a place in my heart.

— Connie Edwards

She also has lots of hobbies. 

“I love to cook with my family and spend time with them, help out on the farm, and go to Colorado with my family in the summer.” Mrs. Edwards said. 

Senior Sayler Beerwinkle had the opportunity to be taught by Mrs. Edwards.

“She was my 3rd grade teacher, and I still remember the preposition song we learned in her English class,” Beerwinkle said. “She has made a huge impact on me and my education.”

Mrs. Edwards hopes she can add a hobby to her list of things she enjoys.

“Part of my family has recently moved to Thailand, so I am anticipating  adding travel to my hobbies.” Edwards said. 

She loves being apart of S-E Elementary and is thankful for all the friends God has placed in her life.

“Being able to be part of a godly Christian prayer group here at school has brought me many blessings,” Edwards said. “I feel so fortunate that SE ISD gave me the opportunity to begin my teaching career here.”